Thursday, September 07, 2006

Yes its over.

After an unbelievably long elections (14 hrs!!! & Another 3 hrs yesterday!!!) we have our 5th Management Committee of the NUS Students' Community Service Club. It was an emotional roller-coaster to say the least, for everyone involved, and the tension was most palpable.

However, there were still rather cock moments, like when Mr Terence, the Business Director, wanted to walk out of the clubrm BEFORE his Q n A. Talk about over-confidence. Ha. Also when stupid chee kian said he had to rush out cos he got diarrhoea. Then he hold his stomach like very pain like that. But he revealed later in his blog that he fake one. He just has a weak bladder. Cock. Muahahahahahaaa!!! I bao tou u!!!!

Anyway, seriously, i would like to say that I was extremely fortunate to be elected as the VPSP, because Michelle is a very zai candidate who is every bit as good, and as capable. It was a very tough fight, and i won probably only because i was older lar. Michelle, if u read this hor, please don't let the elections result affect your confidence or belief in yourself ya? I really think you have the drive, the enthusiasm, and the capability to be a good Vice-President. I would really love to work with you and let's do so for the Special Projs yar?

As with all competitions and contests, there are winners and losers. To everyone who did not succeed in this yr's elections, please don't think of it as a slight on your ability, or that the voters did not like you as a person. Stay on in CSC and contribute as much as u can still, because, as mentioned in many of the speeches, we're all working together to help the less fortunate and privileged, and it is with this goal in mind that we should forge ahead. The Management Committee can only function well with the help of all of you, so please stay on, and contribute as much as you can to our SPs and RVPs k? And i think the 5th MC will try our best to make CSC as vibrant, fun, and satisfying a club as we can too.

To end off this very pompous and officious post, which is so unlike my usual style, i would just like to say that being entrusted with such an important post is rather scary lar. Ha, i know its rather ironic to say it now AFTER the elections, but the pressure is on to make my term at least as successful as BadChloe's was. But i guess with the support of everyone, we'll be able to make this year's special projects even better than last year rite??!!!! (Cue loud cheers and applause)

Hur hur. Think i'm gg mad frm all the elections liao. My brother who sleeps in the same room as me say that i talked in my sleep. And he vaguely heard me muttering questions. So i think i must be asking questions even in my sleep. Ha.


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